The flicker of the campfire, The wind in the pines, The moon in the heavens, The stars that shine, A place where people gather, Make friends of all kinds, A place where all your troubles Are always left behind... So give me the light of the campfire, warm and bright, Give me some friends to sing with, I’ll be here all night, Love is for those who find it, I’ve found mine right here, Just you and the light of the campfire, And songs we love to hear.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Spiders and me
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Dylan, the Sun Dolphin and Sailing

Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Camp Fire Girl Returns to Work...

At the center of the congregation is the pastor. Spiritual guide, scholar, counselor, preacher, administrator, confidant, teacher, pastoral visitor and friend, a pastor has a privileged position and performs many roles. In season and out, a pastor is called upon to lead communities to the life-giving waters of God.
The job is demanding, and pastors perform their duties among a dizzying array of requests and expectations. Congregations are not always easy places, and the responsibilities can sometimes wear down the best pastors. It is not a job for the faint-hearted, but requires a balance of intelligence, love, humility, compassion and endurance. Most importantly, it demands that pastors remain in touch with the source of their life and strength. Like all people of faith, good pastors need moments to renew and refresh their energies and enthusiasm to determine again "what makes their hearts sing."
As I read and reread these words, I was grateful. I was grateful that there is a group of people who named, understand and recognize the complex, demanding, dizzying array of requests and expectations that pastors live with. In my case, I serve both as a congregation pastor and as a campus pastor. This amplifies and intensifies the complexities in ways that few individuals comprehend or understand.
I'm saddened when some well-meaning (and some not-so-well-meaning) folks think that all I do is deal with a few congregation members and that the campus ministry should be kind of like dealing with a youth group. Sigh. It's frustrating when some refuse to understand that the nature of campus ministry and my work with college students is very intense, highly relational, fast-paced, full of late nights, at times grueling in its academic rhythm and sometimes walking through the deep spiritual valleys and mountains with young adults as they discern their way of faith. Because the nature of campus ministry is this way, the ELCA (and other thoughtful, wise denominations) has set apart certain pastors and ministers to do only this: campus ministry.
One of the former LCMers at SCSU from long ago returned to ULCE a few years back. She is an amazing person. Our backgrounds are nothing alike, but we share this love and esteem for LCM. She says LCM saved her life. I believe this and know that it's most certainly true. I've seen the ministry of LCM save other lives, I've been blessed to have been part of that life-saving enterprise and have celebrated with others when, once they were lost and then they were found and found themselves embraced by the abiding, enduring love of God in Christ Jesus.
This friend of mine wrote some reflections after the 15th Anniversary of ULCE in November of 2009. I thought that her words were profound since she has the broad and long ranging perspective from one who was a college student in LCM at Saint Cloud State University as well as being a "grown-up" member of what had become the LCM and ULCE community.
I had not heard the thoughts expressed by anyone else in the congregation:
But what I don't understand is the way "we" don't show respect to our pastor(s) that I see in other churches. Is it because we are small? Or is it the same in bigger churches where you just don't notice it as much because it's not so glaring? Or is it the kind of church we are or is it the town? The town people have never liked the students in general. So, when you put the two together you get dislike. ULCE appears on the outside to be a church that is accepting of everyone. But at times I see our church stuck and not knowing whether it wants to move forward or stay stuck; to move on and grow into the life force we could be...I believe in us as a church body. We, all of us, just need to figure out what direction we want our church to go. What needs to be remembered is that it is the students that have brought us together in the first place.
I have thought about this a lot since my friend wrote this and since she read it aloud at a meeting of our congregational members and students. There was this pause; this silence after she read her reflections - as if no one could think of a thing to say. People just sat there. And then the leaders of the event and process, sensing the moment and not knowing what to say either, moved the process on and that was that. But something happened that day. There was a naming and an acknowledgement in what she said. Still, since that day it doesn't seem as though folks have gotten to the place - exactly - to figure out what direction we want our church to go.
I have been in prayer about this ministry before I arrived here and ever since that time. The treatment of pastor(s) is a mystery and my guess is that it's been this way for a long time before I arrived. Why? I have no clue. All I know is that I need to stay true to my calling, what I know, what is good, right and blessed in the sight of God.
So, I am going to center on my calling and that which gives life, hope, joy, peace, healing and faith. I have no time for that which drags on my soul or the soul of others. Life is too precious. Life is too short. Life is too grand to do otherwise. So, join with me and if this is not your calling -- let go.
Blessed be!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Leaving the Flint Hills
- We believe in the transformative power of art to heal and grow individuals, communities, societies, and the world.
- We provide a positive, creative learning environment to encourage confidence, self-esteem, and “finding your voice” through puppetry arts.
- We listen to our youth community, respond to their needs, and involve them as decision-makers and leaders.
- We practice, preach, and provide art that is accessible and inclusive of people of all incomes, ages, races, orientations, abilities, and cultures.
- We honor the deep cultural, spiritual, and ritual roots of puppetry that provide youth with reflections of deep community values, personal meaning and individual identity.
- We excel at providing opportunities for people to create and expand community through the act of making puppet theatre.
- We empower youth to take leadership in telling their innately valuable stories through puppetry and masks.
- We believe youth are capable of professional standards of excellence in puppet theatre and strive to create high quality processes and productions with youth.
- We create opportunities for youth to present their creative work and educate the community about their perspectives.
- We recognize the folk-arts apprenticeship tradition of learning that puppetry stems from, and honor the commitment to train new generations in the craft of puppetry.
- We facilitate the creation of meaningful peer community to reduce isolation of youth from each other and their communities.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Make New Friends...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010

We've had so much rain these past two weeks off and on.
I'm a bit worried.
Background Info on Deformed Frogs in Minnesota
Deformed frogs were discovered in Minnesota in 1995. The MPCA researched the problem from 1997 through 2000. As of July 2001, the MPCA is no longer funded by the Minnesota Legislature to continue deformed frog research. To learn why the funding and research was discontinued, please read the following fact sheet.
So you'll need to go to that link and read up on this! I did. This is why we need to worry:
Frog populations around the world have showed increasing signs of stress in recent years. Some species have disappeared, and others are no longer found where they used to be. An increase in deformities may be a sign that something is wrong.
Scientists are concerned about what's happening to the frogs, because the health of frogs is closely linked to the health of the environment. Frogs are sensitive to pollution, because they live at the meeting of two environments -- land and water -- and they can easily absorb pollutants through their skin. Just as miners used canaries in the mines to alert them to poisonous gases, frogs may alert us to problems in our environment.
Most of the photos are of the beloved Leopard Frog. These are the ones that my sisters, Carol and sometimes Kathy, and I would gather at Leech Lake while on vacation. They were everywhere and many of them were HUGE and they were NOT deformed! We had a "catch and release" philosophy with our frogs. Catch them all week and put them into cold water in a large cooking pot from the cabin that our mom let us keep right outside the backdoor. Then after a week of blissful and adventuresome capturing of our frogs, on the last day we'd have a ceremony of releasing them and let them go. Only to return the next summer and begin the process all over again. I like to imagine those frogs saying, "phew," and breathing a sigh of relief to each other when our parents decided that a trip to the Badlands or Colorado was in order for that year.
So, I know the frogs must be out there somewhere. I've heard them along the way on my bike rides through Quarry Park or along County Road 8. Still, I get a bit concerned about things like this and now that Minnesota has deformed frogs and we can't even find the funds to find out why, well, this is certainly not a good thing. I worry about my backyard or the world without frogs because I would miss them and also because I know that if that happens - it means bad things are happening in God's creation. I lament.
It rained a lot today. I was weary. I must say, as every writer or blogger every now and then must face human frailty. I was so weary today trying to get ready to leave for my next adventure to Kansas for my summer intensive class. My independent study time is coming to an end. This saddened me greatly. I don't know if I'll be able to continue my writing or my daily biking, In fact, I was so weary and busy getting ready with Jack, that it was too late to bike, even for night-biking-me. I run smack dab into my limitations over and over again. Everyone's frustrating. At least it's frustrating for me. I lament again.
I know that I won't be able to read everything I want to in this lifetime or see every part of the world that fascinates me. I won't be able to create all the beauty I hope to. This is the lesson we all learn over time. Time is short, love is real. We are only given a little bit of time on earth and we can only do - as folks say - what we can do.
This is a lot really. We can all do and be wonderful for, with and to one another.
Tonight I lament that I may not be able to write this reflections for you, for me and for the universe longing to hear stories of healing and wonder, of lament and rejoicing.
I love writing. I love words. I love frogs and so, so, so love the world God created with you in it. I love my family and friends. So, friends, keep vigil with me and let me know what you see, notice, feel and sense.
The Camp Fire Girl has to get some shut-eye for the travels ahead.
Blessed be!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Let there be night biking, stars -- and fireflies!